On the 18th Jumaadaa al-Aakhirah 1440 (corresponding with the 22nd of February 2019). We held an istiraha for families, in Jeddah. During this gathering, we were honoured with the presence of Shaykh Abdullah bin AbdurRaheem al-Bukhari (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).
The Shaykh (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) is from the well-known Mashaykh of Madeenah and as you are aware, has been praised by the likes of Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee and Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree (hafidhahumullah Ta'ala).
Full Lecture:
Extracted Benefits:
1 - Cooperation Upon Righteousness & Piety
2 - The Messenger is a Mercy to All of Mankind
3 - Hold Fast to the Path of Success
4 - Taking the Messenger as a Judge in Your Affairs
5 - Don’t Turn Away from the Truth
6 - If You Differ then take it Back to Allah & His Rasool
7 - Conclusion, Bite on Firmly to the Sunnah
How we Return Our Affairs to the Prophet in These Times?
How we Return Our Affairs to the Prophet in These Times?
Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever invites to guidance will be rewarded like those who follow him in the guidance are rewarded, and that will not decrease the reward of those who have followed him." [Collected by Imām Muslim]
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