Returning to the Fundamentals of the Religion - Shaykh Saalim Bamihriz

On Jumu'ah of the 23rd of Rajab 1440 (corresponding with 29th March 2019), we held an istiraha for families in Jeddah and were honoured with the presence of Shaykh Saalim Bamihriz (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).

The Shaykh is originally from Yemen but resides in the city of Riyadh.  It should be noted that the Shaykh (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) is over 70 years old.

He (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) arrived just after salatul-Asr and sat outside with the brothers in a very relaxed and informal manner discussing various aspects of the religion.

After praying Salatul-Maghrib, the Shaykh (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) gave a kalimah to those present, that continued well after Salatul-Isha.

It should be noted that this kalimah was translated by our beloved brother Abdulilah Lahmami (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) who was also at the istiraha that took place with Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).

Here, are both parts of that sitting.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Entire Q&A session:
Extracted Questions:

1 - Working in a Pharmacy Selling Products Containing a Form of Alcohol
2 - Playing the Duff to Celebrate an Aqeeqah
4 - During a Fitnah should we Look at Both Sides?
5 - Saying Bismillah when Someone Slips or Trips
6 - Making Istighfaar After the Sunnan or Nawafil Prayers
7 - Dealing with an Unjust & Harsh Husband
8 - Using Free Medical Insurance
Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever invites to guidance will be rewarded like those who follow him in the guidance are rewarded, and that will not decrease the reward of those who have followed him." [Collected by Imām Muslim]

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