Beneficial Q&A - Shaykh Arafat al-Muhammadi - Taqwa Travels (Jan. 2020) - Abu Idrees Muhammad

In January 2020, Taqwa Travels performed Umrah to the House of Allah.  During this journey, they had several sitting with various Mashaykh, from amongst them was Shaykh Arafat ibn Hasan al-Muhammadi (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).  This sitting was translated by Ustadh Abu Idrees Muhammad (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).

Upon their return, I, walhamdulillah edited the audio for that particular sitting & the complete file was posted here on their Soundcloud account.  From this gathering, I believe only one question has been posted previously. 

Here are all 21 of the questions that were asked.

A similar sitting took place in 2019, in shaa Allah, I will be editing that audio & extracting the questions from it.

May Allah bless the Shaykh, organisers & attendees, Aameen.

1 - How to Increase the Possibility of Your Dua being Accepted
2 - Seeking Knowledge in the West, what is the Priority
3 - How to Expiate Your Sins
4 - Is the Reward of 1000 Restricted to Inside the Walls of Masjid an-Nabawee
5 - How to Know You are Affected by Magic
6 - The Wives of the Prophet not Buried in Madeenah, where are they Buried
7 - He Heard the Message but Never Received Da’wah, will He be Accountable
8 - On Hajj can You Pray them in Full or do You have to Shorten Them
9 - If the Area Around the Ka’bah is Empty can One Jog during the Tawaf
10 - How can We say ‘Ya Rasoolullah’ when Visiting the Prophets Grave
11 - Advice on Giving Da’wah to Parents
12 - Is there a Narration about Eating the Onions of a Place
13 - The Best Way of Memorising the Qur’an, Repetitiveness
14 - Working in a Non-Finance Related Job in a Bank
15 - Irregular Menses, how does she Pray
16 - Punishment for not Observing the Proper Hijab
17 - Why Christians Reject the Ka’bah
18 - Owning a Home is not a Condition of Marriage
19 - Can we Take from the People of Bid’ah based Upon the Action of Abu Hurayrah
20 - They Divorce Twice & Remarry the Two Divorces Remain
21 - The Process of Embarking Upon a Journey of Seeking Knowledge
Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that The Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever invites to guidance will be rewarded like those who follow him in the guidance are rewarded, and that will not decrease the reward of those who have followed him." [Collected by Imām Muslim]

Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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