Q&A's in the Maldives - Abu Khadeejah 'Abdul-Waahid

Ustadh Abu Khadeejah 'Abdul-Waahid (hafidhahullah Ta'ala)  went to the Maldives in December 2016, for the purpose of dawah.  You can read more about that trip click here.

Recently in a WhatsApp conversation between myself and Abu Anas Muhammad (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) who is involved with the dawah effort in the form of salafi.mv (and has been praised by Shaykh's Ubayd al-Jaabiree & Abdullah al-Bukhari (hafidhahumullah Ta'ala) for permission on my website, specifically the audios related to the lectures and questions answered by Ustadh Abu Khadeejah 'Abdul-Waahid.  Walhamdulillah, he (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) gave me permission to use the audio which can be found on their SoundCloud account.

Here I will be posting many of those questions, that have had some form of digital remastering done to them.

Note: These recordings took place at the end of December 2016 & the very beginning of January 2017.  You will find at the end of every clip the date on which it was recorded.
1 - Our Ustadh Abu Khadeejah Advises Salafis to Co-operate with Ustadh Abu Anas Muhammad Upon Khair to Strengthen Dawah Salafiyyah
2 - Salafi Dawah is Dynamic; No other Dawah can Touch this Dawah in Terms of Ilm
3 - Refutation of the Ideological Figureheads of Jamiyyath Khalaf Hizbiyyah in the Maldives 
4 - The Tears of Ibn Baaz, when Ibn Jibreen & Salmaan al-Awdah Debated Ibn Baaz
5 - Ruling on the Innovation of Demonstrations Against the Rulers
6 - While in the Masjid the Imam gave the Mic to someone upon the Ideology of the Khawaarij should we Pray behind him?
7 - What is the Ruling for Maldivian to Fight Alongside the Coalition Against Bashar al-Asad?
8 - In what Circumstances is it Allowed to Rebel Against Bashar Al-Assad?
9 - Some claimed Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr rebelled against the Khaleefah?
10 - Some say Don't get Angry to People of Bida because they are Muslims?
11 - Is it Jihad Now?
12 - Is ISIS to be Referred to as a Country or a State?
13 - Is Revolting Against the Muslim Rulers Only with the Sword?
14 - Are those who Criticize a Ruler in Public Considered as Scholars & Shaykhs?
15 - Did Abdullah Ibn al-Zubair and the Companions Rebel Against al-Hajjaj Ibn Yousuf?
16 - What is the Current (1st Jan 2017) Situation in Syria? 
17 - To those Who Bring the Story of Aboo Baseer Radhiyallaahu Anhu to Cause Doubt in the Affair of Jihadh (Condition of the Ruler)
19 - How to Deal with Non-Salafi Students Studying in the Islamic University of Madina

20 - Can we Wear Jerseys of Non-Muslim Soccer Teams?
22 - Fatwa of Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari for a Maldivan Sister who is divorced from a Khariji (ISIS) in her Iddah?
23 - Reality of JamiyyathSalaf (Did Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab Rebel Against the Ottomans?
24 - Can You Advise us with Regards to Taking Pictures
25 - Can we Visit the Graves of Our Beloved Ones on the Day of Eid?
26 - What is Your Advice to the Youth During this Time of ISIS (1-Jan-17) & Social Media?
27 - What is Your Advice to People whose Parents are Very Stubborn?
28 - Is it Permissible to Attend the Funeral of a Kafir?
29 - Is it Permissible to Attend a Wedding Reception of the Kuffar & the People of Desires?
30 - Are you Allowed to Pray the Jumu'ah in a Masjid where there is a Grave?
31 - Will the Angels be in a Masjid where there is a Grave?
32 - Can we Visit the Houses of the Kuffar?
33 - Did the Khawarij Demonstrate Against Uthmaan & when did Demonstrations start in this Era?
34 - Khawarij say How Can you Compare the Rulers of Today with the Rulers in the Time of the Sahabah?
35 - Advice on Speaking about & Backbiting Previous Rulers after they Step Down
36 - How to Deal with a Colleague at Work & Family who follow People of Bid'ah?
37 - Question from Philippine; Regarding a Claimant to Salafiyyah who Co-operates with Hizbis?
38 - What is the Role of a Muslim in implementing Sharia Law in These Times?
39 - If the Ruler Commands with Jihad would it Require the Approval of Parents as well?
40 - If the Ruler Rapes your Wives will you (Salafis) still be Patient?
41 - Is there a Difference of Opinion between Ibn Baaz & al-Albani Regarding Allowing Americans into the KSA?
42 - Ruling on the Prayer Times Based on Astronomical Calculations?
Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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