Questions asked to Shaykh Muqbil

Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullah Ta'ala) was asked the following questions in a tele-link that definitely took place more than 20+ years ago.

The original recording was not only very distorted but the audio was not edited properly, resulting in the translation not matching up with the responses given by the Shaykh (rahimahullah Ta'ala).  By the permission of Allah, the first thing that I did was to clean up the background noise.  Then what I have done is to align the narration of the questions and answers around the response of the Shaykh (rahimahullah Ta'ala).

In the original tele-link our brother & Ustadh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) read a translated transcript of the lecture that was done by Abu Talhah Dawood Burbank (rahimahumullah Ta'ala) of the majority of the questions that were asked, several hours after the tele-link had taken place.  

Question 1 - Prayer Behind a Brelawi
Question 2 - Striving to Gather Personal References
Question 3 - Relationship in Her Iddah: Coming soon, in shaa Allah!

Question 4 - Trialled by Parents
Question 5 - Seeking Aid from the Shi'a
Question 6 - No Second Marriage Condition
Question 7 - Mufti Giving Fatwa about Covering
Question 8 - Eating from the Restaurants of the Ahlull-Kitab
Question 9 - Jihad in Eritrea
May Allah shower all those that have passed away in His Mercy and preserve those upon khair that remain, Aameen.

May He enable us to fully benefit from that which we hear, Aameen.

Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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