an-Nawawi's Forty Hadeeth Audio

There is the complete Matn (text) of this famous work by Imam an-Nawawi (rahimahullah Ta'ala). 

I am currently posting the complete audio file at this moment in time.

Shorty, in shaa Allah, I will be posting each of the 42 individual hadeeth in this famous work.

It is the same audio that is used on the website: This is the website that is maintained by Ustadh Abu 'Iyaad Amjad Rafiq (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).

What I have done is taken that audio and done a little remastering to make it a little cleaner and put it into one complete audio file for now:

Complete audio:
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Advice from the Scholars in Regards to the Coronavirus (COVID19) - Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam

Here is some extremely beneficial advice that was given by our brother Ustadh Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).

The video was posted on the 16th of March 2020 on the as-Sabeel YouTube Channel:
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Key Lessons About the Coronavirus - Hasan as-Somali

The following khutbah was delivered by Ustadh Hasan as-Somali (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) at Germantown Masjid and posted upon their official SoundCloud account
The exact link for this audio file: 

In addition to this, another benefit was also posted on the Masjid's SoundCloud account which should also be noted:

Before You Rush to Spread Info About the Coronavirus - Ustadh Hasan as-Somali (hafidhahullah Ta'ala)
The exact link for this audio file: 

Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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This is Our Aqeedah - Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee

What I have decided to do is to revive some classic lectures from the past from some of the great Mashaykh of our time.  I take the audio, clean it up, where possible and then re-release it for people to benefit from.

Here are some of the lectures that have been previously released:

Following this methodology, here is the next lecture, by the Noble Shaykh Muhammad Amaan 'Alee al-Jaamee (rahimahullah Ta'ala).  The lecture that I am posting is entirely in Arabic. The Shaykh passed away in 1415H.  This lecture was delivered in 1411H, 4 years before he passed away (rahimahullah Ta'ala).

If you would like to listen to an excellent translation delivered by our brother Abu Yusuf Abdulilah Lahmami (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) the follow the link: CLICK HERE

May Allah shower the Shaykh in His infinite Mercy, Aameen.
Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that The Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever invites to guidance will be rewarded like those who follow him in the guidance are rewarded, and that will not decrease the reward of those who have followed him." [Collected by Imām Muslim]

Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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Forbiddance of Innovations - Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee

Here is an excellent reminder by Ustadh Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) about what an innovation (bid'ah) in the religion is and why it is truly such an evil thing.  This is a lecture that was delivered on the 1st of July 2018.
Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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al-Manhaj-ul-Haqq of Shaykh as-Sa'di - Shaykh Abdur-Razaaq al-Badr - Abdulilah Lahmami

This is a book that Shaykh Abdur-Razaaq ibn Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abaad al-Badr (hafidhahumullah Ta'ala) taught this book at the end of the academic year in Masjid an-Nabawee after Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin (hafidhahullah Ta'ala)  finished his classes of teaching The Book of Salah from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree for the second time, having previously finished Saheeh al-Bukhaaree 26 years earlier, his son took over the seat of his father over the summer break and chose this book of Shaykh Abdur-Rahman ibn Naasir as-Sa'di (rahimahullah Ta'ala) and taught this book over a 3 day period written in the form of a poem.    

This was an unannounced series of classes in the first university in Islam, Masjid an-Nabawee as Shaykh Alee Naasir al-Faqeehi (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) said.

This is a five-part series of lectures taught from that which Ustadh Abdulilah Lahmami learned whilst personally attending these lectures by Shaykh Abdur-Razaaq al-Badr (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).

The audio can be found on the Shaykh's (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) website here.

You will find the PDF below:
I have taken the original lecture recordings and edited them to remove a lot of the background noise and with the permission of Markaz Muadh and Ustadh Abdulilah Lahmami I am now uploading them here.

Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4: Lesson 5:
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Questions asked to Shaykh Muqbil

Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullah Ta'ala) was asked the following questions in a tele-link that definitely took place more than 20+ years ago.

The original recording was not only very distorted but the audio was not edited properly, resulting in the translation not matching up with the responses given by the Shaykh (rahimahullah Ta'ala).  By the permission of Allah, the first thing that I did was to clean up the background noise.  Then what I have done is to align the narration of the questions and answers around the response of the Shaykh (rahimahullah Ta'ala).

In the original tele-link our brother & Ustadh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) read a translated transcript of the lecture that was done by Abu Talhah Dawood Burbank (rahimahumullah Ta'ala) of the majority of the questions that were asked, several hours after the tele-link had taken place.  

Question 1 - Prayer Behind a Brelawi
Question 2 - Striving to Gather Personal References
Question 3 - Relationship in Her Iddah: Coming soon, in shaa Allah!

Question 4 - Trialled by Parents
Question 5 - Seeking Aid from the Shi'a
Question 6 - No Second Marriage Condition
Question 7 - Mufti Giving Fatwa about Covering
Question 8 - Eating from the Restaurants of the Ahlull-Kitab
Question 9 - Jihad in Eritrea
May Allah shower all those that have passed away in His Mercy and preserve those upon khair that remain, Aameen.

May He enable us to fully benefit from that which we hear, Aameen.

Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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The Prohibition of Free-Mixing - Shaykh Arafat al-Muhammadi

Our Shaykh Arafat ibn Hasan al-Muhammadi (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) delivered a reminder on the 21st of February 2020.  It was translated by Ustadh Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Shah (hafidhahullah Ta'ala).  The lecture was titled: Love for the Sake of Allah at the end of this lecture Shaykh Arafat (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) entertained some questions, one of them being related to the issue of free-mixing 

May Allah enable us to benefit fully from that which we hear, Aameen.
Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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The Educated Women of the Salaf - Abul-Hasan Malik

A very insightful lecture by our Ustadh Abul-Hasan Malik (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) on showing that the women of the salaf were educated in the affairs of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and not only were they educated but they also were involved in disseminating this knowledge to the women.

May Allah make our women from amongst those that learn, understanding, implement and teach that which is pleasing to Allah (subhanahu wa Ta'ala), Aameen.
Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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No Dogs Allowed - Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid

Here is a very brief reminder extracted from the 7th lesson in the series titled: Prophetic Morals - With Advice & Guidance for the Muslim Woman by Ustadh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid (hafidhahullah Ta'ala) about the permissibility of taking a dog as a pet.
Conditions to re-use / re-post: No modification of any of the audio files. Any website that posts them must link back to Salafi Audio UNLIMITED Material not for sale.

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