At the end of the lecture some questions were asked. The following is a breakdown of those questions, barak Allahu feekum.
Question 1: What will happen if friendships are not built and established for the sake of Allaah? What will the consequence be on the Day of Judgement?
Question 2: In the book of Ibnul-Qayyim, it speaks of the causes of sin, one of it is hirs (حرص). Can this be translated as “greed" or"desire"?
Question 3: Here in the West, when we have an individual who claims to be Salafi, who should we test him with, especially those who are hiding tamyi'?
Question 4: What are some of the books to study and learn about the Salafi Manhaj?
Question 5: How should we treat the ones who dilute the Salafi Manhaj like the Mumayyi'ah?
Question 6: How should you advise the one who stays by himself, and he doesn't mix with the people of his Salafi brothers? Even if he is in a gathering, he always stays alone.
Question 7: Question about Uthmaan Khamees.
Question 8: There are people from the followers of Hajooree who are telling brother that we invite to the conference and duroos of Ahlus Sunnah "Who is coming from the Ulamaa?" and to go to Green Lane Masjid instead who have scholars visiting their conferences. What do you advise with?
Question 9: What do you say to the one who says that the Salafis are too harsh and that they are not balanced when they are warning about an innovator or those who spread it?
Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever invites to guidance will be rewarded like those who follow him in the guidance are rewarded, and that will not decrease the reward of those who have followed him." [Collected by Imām Muslim]
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